Veronica Maffei Alberti, Lawyer


Veronica Maffei Alberti handles both judicial and out-of-court matters in the field of commercial law, with particular focus on industrial and intellectual property law. She is a research fellow at the Departments of Agri-Food Science & Technology and Industrial Engineering of the University of Bologna, where she also collaborates with the lecturer of industrial law at the Department of Law and with the lecturer of intellectual property law on the Degree Course in Cinema, Television and Multimedia Production. She is a member of the Licensing Executives Society in Italy (LES Italy).

In the 2000-2001 academic year, she graduated cum laude in law from the University of Bologna with a tax law thesis on e-commerce supervised by Prof. Adriano Di Pietro. In 2005, she graduated from the Scuola Civica d’Arte Drammatica “Paolo Grassi” in Milan after completing a two-year course in the Organization of Performing Arts – with a thesis on the legislation governing the performing arts sector.

Since 2012, she has been collaborating with the publication Giurisprudenza annotata di Diritto Industriale, previously edited by Prof. Adriano Vanzetti, in the drafting of commentaries on published judgments. In 2014, she obtained a PhD in commercial law – intellectual property and competition from the Department of Law of the University of Parma, with a thesis entitled “Trademark counterfeiting on the Internet“, supervised by Prof. Cesare Galli.

She joined the Firm in 2005 and has been a member of the Bologna Bar Association since 2007.


  • Fashion Design: Libertà dello stilista e onere di differenziazione nella giurisprudenza europea, published on REVISTA LEX MERCATORIA, No. 7, 2017;
  • Artt. 110 e 111 Regolamento (CE) n. 207/2009 del 26 febbraio 2009, su disegni e modelli comunitari, in Commentario breve alle leggi su proprietà intellettuale e concorrenza, by Marchetti-Ubertazzi, 2016 edition [6th edition], Cedam;
  • Artt. 17 e 18, D.Lgs. 10.2.2005, n. 30 in, Codice ipertestuale commentato della proprietà industriale e intellettuale, by Galli-Gambino, 2011, Utet;
  • Artt. 83 l. fall., in Commentario breve alla legge fallimentare, by A. Maffei Alberti, 2009 and 2013 [5th and 6th editions], on the effects of the editor’s bankruptcy on the publishing contract;
  • Opera teatrale, in Contratto e impresa No. 4-5 July-October 2009, pages 1037-1064;
  • Artt. 24-26; 52-54; 79-94, Regolamento (CE) n. 6/2002 del Consiglio, del 12 dicembre 2001, su disegni e modelli comunitari, in Commentario breve alle leggi su proprietà intellettuale e concorrenza, by Marchetti-Ubertazzi, 2012 and 2016 [5th and 6th edition], Cedam.